PACK: 20 gm Sachet & 100 gm Tamper proof Plastic Container

Antibiotics & Anti Bacterials


Cephalexin Oral Powder


Cephalexin Mono Hydrate I.P
Eq. to anhydrous cephalexin7.5%w/w


  • Bacterial infections caused by bacteria sensitive to cephalexin, such as staphylococcus Spp, Streptococcus Spp, Clostridium Spp, E.Coli, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella Spp and Klebsiella Spp


Respiratory tract /Urinary tract infections eg: Pneumonia, bronchitis, cystitis, Nephritis, Pyrexia of unknown etiology: 10mg of cephalexin/Kg B.Wt or 20 gm of cephalexin twice daily as a drench or with jaggery or with food.

Intrauterine Infections eg: Endometritis ,Cervicitis, Pyometra, Retention of placenta, Repeat breeding : 20 gm to be dissolved in 50 ml of distilled water & given through intrauterine route. Or as directed by the Veterinarian

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