PACK: 10 kg food grade Poly aluminum pouch

Nutritional Supplements


(Calcium, Phosphorous & Vitamin D)


Each 5g contains:
Micro crystalline Hydroxyapatite Complex
(MCHC) equivalent to
Calcium165 mg
Phosphorous75 mg
Vitamin D500 IU


  • Improves Egg Shell thickness.
  • Minimizes Egg breakage & Prevents leg weakness.
  • Prevents penetration of pathogens into egg.
  • Improves Hatchability %.
  • Improves body weight gain in broilers.
  • Improves skeletal integrity & development in layers.

Mixing Ratio:

500 gm-1 Kg per ton of feed for Growers, Layers & Broilers for 10 days in every month

Or as recommended by the Veterinarian/Consultant.

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