PACK: 5liter Reusable Plastic Bucket & 25liter Plastic Container

Registered with CAA as an Antibiotic-free Product.

CAA Regn.No: CAA/JUN 18/CHEM/01789

Bio Security


Instant & Safe Pond Water Sanitizer


Alkyldimethyl Ammonium Chloride, Octadecyl dimethyl Ammonium Chloride, Dioctyl dimethyl Ammonium Chloride, Didecyl dimethyl Ammonium Chloride, Glutaraldehyde


  • Control bacterial infections like Gill rot, Tail Rot etc.

  • Controls not only water pollution but also deodorize & purifies water.

  • Helps in inducing molting in Shrimp & Prawns.

Usage & Application:

500ml to 1000ml /acre dilute the recommended quantity of pond secure in water outside the pond. And then spray uniformly throughout the pond.

For Specific usage consult aquaculture specialist.

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